Fill in the blank: “Life is too short to _____.” Now, write a post telling us how you’ve come to that conclusion.

LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO ‘REGRET’ . I have already written a lot of articles , pertaining to  so many things that life , is perhaps  not long enough for , under the category Life Lessons , of my blog .

Life is precious and every second lost in a negative emotion , only goes to further reduce its already ‘short’ nature .

I have often come across people whose attitude towards life , surprises me , in a strange yet funny way . On one hand , they talk about the ‘valuable thing’ that life is , and on the other hand , spend the remaining part of their ‘valuable’ lives ‘regretting’ their past actions !

‘Regret’ is good , especially , when it spontaneously follows , a bad action or harsh word spoken in anger or haste , and  leads to the rendering of an apology.

But the same doesn’t hold true when it comes to personal decisions and past actions of a person . I have seen people fret and fume , over a  bad decision to marry a certain person ( while not making any singular effort to improve their relationship ),  or not marrying a certain person ( psst…the grass is always greener on the other side ! ). While one lady  regrets  her decision to have two kids , instead of one… there is another , who regrets  she never had a second child !

Life isn’t a bed of roses for anyone , not even for a billionaire (  who perhaps , has his own share of problems to toil with ! ).

 Every individual is unique and what one must not forget is that , we are what we are today because of our own ‘unique’ decisions and actions…. All our actions , good or bad , have somewhere or the other ,helped  us grow into more mature adults capable of  facing the ‘big , bad’  world . So , regretting things , that can no longer be undone is not productive in any manner . Rather , the more we dwell on our past actions and feel miserable , the less time we get to enjoy the life we have .

By constantly cribbing and feeling sorry for oneself , we not only make our own lives , difficult but also spread our negativity to those around us . So instead of thinking about things , people and actions , that should or should  not have been , it is always better to concentrate on the good things in life . Enjoy your today , forget your past and see your future shine !

Everything that happens to us , happens for a reason . This philosophy in life , has always got me through all the unpleasant phases of  life and enabled me to embrace my beautiful present and look forward to a bright tomorrow ! So the next time , you  regret something in life , remind yourself that this shall not repeat , smile , and walk ahead….And see how wonderful life looks !  Have a beautiful life people 🙂

16 thoughts on “LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO ‘REGRET’ !

  1. Very nice observation. Isn’t that human nature. I guess people so live in the world they wish to be. Like you said, it isn’t a bed of roses. What people need to learn is to be content with whatever life handed to them. Regret is not in my dictionary. Very nice share. Lessons and reminders to everyone that is so close to my perspectives in life.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ur posts are truly a reflection of your personality…I have been following your blog since your first post and I have noted that you are consistent in what you say and feel…This theme is something you have been repeating over and over…to enjoy every moment in its fullest…I am sure your old and new followers find it very inspiring 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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