The inertia..

A vacuum fills my heart sometimes

A vague sense of emptiness

Expanding ,and contracting at times

– a state of complete idleness

I feel , as if the world as a whole 

has come to a pause suddenly 

not a leaf rustles , not a breeze blows

as I try to picture my destiny

And then as I decide to pen down

my thoughts on to a paper

The mind  stirs once more , with a life of its own

and the inertia turns to vapor

For , as soon as the tip of my pen

starts flowing down to write

fine ideas take shape again

and I begin to see my inner light

9 thoughts on “The inertia..

  1. Wow…that’s something every writer goes through…Here is something that I read on writer’s block long back…
    “Writing is hard. That’s why so few people stick to it and actually finish things. And why you have a right to be immensely proud when you finish something.”

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