Just a lot of memories of a good life and health……. ( poetry )

Daily Post Prompt

The year is 2214, and your computer’s dusty hard drive has just resurfaced at an antique store. Write a note to the curious buyer explaining what he or she will find there.


This isn’t a mere hard disk, you see before you..

It is ‘my heart’ opened up to examine ;

It contains , my passionate writings – a few ..

And details of  all my  monthly planning.

Menus for parties , I hosted at home

And a few ‘exotic’ recipes too ;

Lists of things , I planned to own ..

A checklist , of things I needed to do .

My computer was akin to my ‘Personal Diary’

A locker for  all safe keeping too…

For, in the depths of these folders ,many ,

are tucked in ‘Infinite’ memories , to view !

Beautiful images , that speak a thousand words ;

captured for life , through the camera lens..

In all corners of the disc abound …

precious memories of my  family and friends.

So if you plan on buying this thing…. 

Be prepared to receive my ‘hard earned’ wealth ;

Not  in money , gold , or  bling …

Just a lot of memories of a good life and health.

16 thoughts on “Just a lot of memories of a good life and health……. ( poetry )

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