Daily Prompt: Tiny

via Daily Prompt: Tiny


A  tiny  crevice is all  you need

to let in the glistening sun beams

A  tiny spark is all  you need

to grow wings and  follow your dreams......

The Komodo dragon(The Daily Post discover challenge – Animal)

Weekly Discover Challenge

Human beings have a common phobia of sorts for reptiles in general . Perhaps it is something to do with their general appearance , that is, to be honest, rather creepy, fear inducing or even repulsive at times, no offence meant (!!). Or may be it is the way they drag their weight around ,  quite literally (!) on their short podgy limbs; or sometimes the lack of it, that makes them less appealing to us humans. The myths and rumors surrounding them and their poisonous fangs, might just add to the nature of this fear or hatred as you may deem acceptable.

The Komodo dragon is one such fear inducing reptile that one only sees in one’s worse nightmares, as that four legged monster chasing you while your body stays paralyzed and incapable to respond.

My opinion on this creature was not very different… well..until I happened to see one for real here in Indonesia. Komodo dragons or Komodo monitor is a large species of lizard native to the islands of Indonesia. And so it does not come as a surprise that on one of our recent visits to a tourist  attraction  called  Taman Mini here in Indonesia,  we had the good fortune of encountering a Komodo Dragon for real.

Well, it was not out in the open, and no I did not touch it . It was within the confines of a large enclosure . One solitary dragon, lazing under the afternoon sun.

As I stood there watching this gigantic lizard with awe, all my repulsion melted away… and I saw it as  beautiful as it really was…

Just as I was about to turn away giving up any hope of making it leave it’s cozy spot, it stirred. And there it was slowly but steadily trudging past the small ravine and making it’s way to me, the glass shield being the only barrier between us. It watched me with the same curiosity with which I gazed at him. And then it seemed I had passed his test, for he decided to lie down  on the grass  besides me as I sat on the other side of the glass barrier,   my fingers trying to reach out…

At that moment I did not see a carnivore that feeds on other birds and animals, or one that is known to attack human beings at times. I just saw a calm, gentle creature that wanted to be loved or perhaps was aching for some company…

Or as most people would say it, it was the glass that made all the difference !







Hello from Indonesia

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Hey all my dearies…

First of all I owe you all a big big apology for having kept away from the blogosphere for a really long time , almost an year, well, with an exception of a random poem here and there. The last one year has been one roller coaster ride and that involved lots and lots of travelling and socializing !

Well, the last time I posted I had told you about our move to the southern part of India and now believe it or not, I am writing this post from a place far away from India, Jakarta, Indonesia….

Yes, we have just moved into Jakarta a month back for an official course of my better half, who as most of you already know is in the army.

Well, so we will be in this part of the world for some time now and so I thought this is the best opportunity to get back to what I love – blogging. Being in a new place, one is exposed to so many different experiences, a whole new culture, language and food. So I thought I should take to sharing my pictures and experiences of this place with all my sincere followers and blogger friends who have patiently continued to follow me despite my obvious absence from the blogging scene.

In fact, last December we had traveled to South Africa and I had so many pictures to share with you all but my busy schedule as an army wife prevented me from doing so.

Anyway I thank all my friends for staying with me and all my new followers too for their support.I hope to be more consistent with my  blogging now that I have a little more time on my hands. Cannot wait to hear from you all.

Hope you enjoy the slideshow of a few random pictures taken here in Jakarta…

till then

warm regards
