Womanly wardrobe woes ….!!!

It was only the other day , I saw this image of ‘Aunty Acid’ on facebook and couldn’t help myself from rolling with laughter !!!

Every time I decide to go out somewhere and open my cupboard , piles of unused , long rejected clothes come tumbling down on me, almost smothering me !  . I gasp for some fresh air… But experience has taught me ,how to recover from that initial shock, and instantly shove  those  garbs back ( almost with a spirit of vengeance! ) into the deepest and darkest recesses of my closet, so that they never again see the light of the day……

Only a few minutes post  this ‘routine’ episode, I am faced with the same , ‘ETERNAL question , What should I wear? . After seconds , too ephemeral , of  self -interrogation , I slouch against  my bed , disgusted and utterly disappointed with my ‘LIFE’ ….( I am sure you  understand the gravity of the problem now !!! )

My room ,is shrouded with a sudden sense of  ‘impending doom’ …….’This is it !’, I think to myself , a fat drop of tear waiting to escape my ‘ woebegone eyes ! ‘ .  ‘The apocalypse has arrived.’.( ok…so what if it arrives for me ,every time I inspect my own wardrobe !! ).

My room  is now akin to a battlefield , strewn with clothes all around ( most of which I don’t even remember buying !! ), as  I stand there waste deep in a sea of garments , of all colours  and patterns ,still clueless………..

 Ahh…this ineffable’  nature  of women…..A wardrobe , overstuffed with clothes ,yet , not one to wear… Let me replace the words of the famous lines ( I hope Samuel Taylor Coleridge forgives me ! ) :


Well , Women are ‘ incomprehensible creatures’ . My Husband has not  , till date, been able to understand  or provide a plausible solution to this perpetual problem ,that haunts me, ever so often !!!……..

As far as I am concerned , I have reconciled to it , because solving it is as impossible for me, as for one buried alive to lift his gravestone. So till death do us apart………………………..


( P.S : Have you encountered similar womanly/ manly woes about what to wear?? Do share your experiences in the comments section ,and also if you have managed  to find a solution to the ‘problem’ !! Men are free to leave your take on this subject too 😉 )