The key to a ‘man’s brain’ !


I have often thought if there is a way to know what lies inside a man’s brain !

If were to find a magic key , one that would open up any door or box , I would like to take a peek into , it would be utterly useless to me . Because , I don’t think there exists any such door or box , that I  wanted to look into and haven’t found a way to do so already 😉 I am not the kind of person , who likes poking his/her nose into the private matters of other people , and I seriously believe ,that things that other people (not relatives ! ) are trying to hide way from us ,are best kept hidden !

But , I have always wished to possess  the key to a man’s brain.. if only , even it was for a small fraction of time , I was allowed to get inside the brain of my better half , I would be oh- so- content…!

A few things I would like to find out , once inside :

  • What thoughts cross his mind ,when he is simply sitting on the bed or couch , and staring into nothingness…….. (I always thought he was put off by something I did ,till I realized , he is only taking a break ! )

  • Why are men , never able to ‘multi-task’ ! ( It is either the newspaper or the television , or conversation , but never all the three together ! 😉 )

  • When he says I look good , does he mean it ?

  • Why do men prefer not to talk about their problems ? ( When  we women, feel tensed about something , we need to urgently share it someone , don’t we ? 😛 )

  • How can they work all day and all year with a guy ,and never notice the color of his dress or shoes or any such minor details !

  • Why do men never remember the dress they wore at the last party ? I seriously wish we women had the same ability to ‘forget’ such details, then we would not be suffering from Womanly Wardrobe Woes !

  • When a man enters a social gathering , does he actually ‘only listen’ and not observe…the surroundings ? (Give me five minutes at a party , and I will let you know what kind of shoe is a certain lady wearing or what  is the color of the other lady’s necklace :P. Is it actually possible to ignore such ‘details’ ?

So , as you have already read , my mind is forever trying to unravel the mystery of a ‘man’s mind’ ! and I am sure so are many of you I would love it , if I were to ever stumble upon that ‘golden key’ which would put my doubts to rest and remove all apprehensions !

(P.S : What I have written above are my conclusions based on my own experiences , there may be exceptions !  😉 and you are welcome to give your feedback too.. )

20 thoughts on “The key to a ‘man’s brain’ !

  1. Pingback: A WOMAN’S MIND – Fifteen points to know about your g.f or wife ! | The 'Pen'lightenment of the soul

  2. Pingback: A WOMAN’S MIND – Fifteen points to know about your g.f or wife ! | The 'Pen'lightenment of the soul

  3. LOL !! so there IS a opposite to ‘Mystery of Women’s Mind’ :O
    Write the opposite of this post, and that’d be precisely what every man have been finding the answers to..
    How and why women can give so much attention to such minute details.. Why do they talk so they multi-task with such name a few.. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmm, my wife has been asking for that similar key for years. I think it creates that certain irresistible mystery and curiosity when we can’t read our partner’s mind. It’s amazing that there are certain things we naturally know about them without using words and certain things we can’t still understand or predict despite of sharing almost everything for years. Inspiring post. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

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