Awards galore and thank you note !

It has been a while since I have been procrastinating.But before things get beyond my control I need to get hold of  the reins. The internet connection here in the North East works at a slug’s pace and so I have ended piling on awards without ever expressing by gratitude through a post.

In fact even as I write this post I am a little worried that I may perhaps, unwittingly, skip someone out . In that case please consider it my absentmindedness and don’t hesitate to remind me so I may update my post again !

So here are the awards I have received over the last few months… I would like to thank each one of these bloggers for nominating me for these awesome awards that inspire and motivate me to keep writing and clicking !



Nominated by :

  1. Moses ( whose blog is an interesting amalgamation of flash fictions and short stories. I owe a big apology to Moses for this extreme delay in responding to the nomination.
  2. Ameena ( whose blog I love for her beautiful and heart touching poetry and short stories.
  3. Julia ( whose blog is simple yet speaks volumes about her passions in writing and even cooking !
  4. Saritha( whose blog is all about awesome cooking. Her mouthwatering recipes will sure make you want to cook too !


Nominated by Ameena (


Nominated by :

  1. Rashmi ( whose colorful and vibrant travel stories always inspire me to travel more ! Her breathtaking photographs are also worth it ..
  2. Ruchi ( whose blog is full of beautiful pictures that I love to watch …. Her travel stories are also very useful and informative!

As you can see it will be impossible for me to nominate people of all three awards but I shall update this post soon with the list of people to nominate, as and when I get to a more stable internet connection.

Once again my sincere gratitude to all those who nominated me and showered me  with all their love ….

4 thoughts on “Awards galore and thank you note !

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