

The words pierced the heart

like  the cold edge of a dagger

numbing at first

But unbearable in the next

And as the depth of their harshness

Begin to sink in

Slowly but painfully

No effort could submerge the agony

it caused, when the heart erupted

like a monstrous fire breathing volcano

While the eyes released the flood of tears

to diffuse the fire it fumed..




15 thoughts on “Words

      • Yes,it is always good to be back here 🙂 I keep going off and coming back all the time these days. Everything’s good at my end. I moved cities, so was busy for a couple of months settling in. You know that feeling too well. How are you doing? Still at the same place? Your daughter’s grown up, I’m sure 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh yes..I know that feeling far too well..in fact will be shifting cities in a few months once again…right now on vacation. Yes , she is five now … Once I am at the new place I hope to be more active ll, let us see 🙂 but it’s always nice to be welcomed so warmly ! Thanks for that 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • You’ll always be welcomed. I’ve been thinking a lot about you recently and today, what a co incidence! 🙂
        Anyway, keep posting even before you move… Hope you enjoy your vacation very much!

        Liked by 1 person

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