Daily Prompt: Tiny

via Daily Prompt: Tiny


A  tiny  crevice is all  you need

to let in the glistening sun beams

A  tiny spark is all  you need

to grow wings and  follow your dreams......



The words pierced the heart

like  the cold edge of a dagger

numbing at first

But unbearable in the next

And as the depth of their harshness

Begin to sink in

Slowly but painfully

No effort could submerge the agony

it caused, when the heart erupted

like a monstrous fire breathing volcano

While the eyes released the flood of tears

to diffuse the fire it fumed..




In love once more…


He was

just another

lonely soul

bereft of love

betrayed in love

till he began to sing

Beware of love

and then one day

he beheld her

as she descended

from the skies

like an angel

and he knew

in that moment ephemeral –

 He had lost his heart once more

Yes, he was in love, all over again !

Dreams are like butterflies


Dreams are like butterflies

Enticing yet elusive

Dazzling yet distant

Vibrant yet vicious

And just when they

seem so close at hand

just a touch way

They drop out of sight


till some other day

They flutter by us and 


glide  into submission

Only this time they belong to us !

A Rendezvous with solitude


Waves of quiet content

Wash through my soul

Nursing the wounds,

Numbing the pain

My emotions conversing

With my own secret yearnings

In silent harmony;

Listening to the rhythm

of my pounding heart

I try to interpret

the language it speaks

A rendezvous so rare !

Today I met myself

through the silent Solitude

Rise up like the Phoenix


Scared faces, ruins around

Screams of agony, desperate tears

Wailing children, mothers not found

A valley of death, submerged in fears


Rise up from the ashes

Like a Phoenix you must

As your whole world crashes

To the ground, reduced to dust


The future waits to be written anew

So gear up, you have a long way to go

Let hope be your armour, and courage lead you through

To   resurrect and re-build the country you call ‘home’.

Your face is my home


I can read the lines

On your precious face

Expressions, signs

And simple tell tales

Where a line disappears

And a smile is born

The language of tears

And feelings unknown

I know those creases

Under your eyes

When you are lost in thoughts

Or filled with surprise

I  know your nose crinkles

And your lips pout

When your heart tingles

Or  fills with doubt

When I see your face

I feel I am home

Inspired to win the race

Determined to brave the storm

Your face is home to me

This is where I want to be

This is what I want to see

For life unto eternity



In times of despair

When darkness clouds my mind

Filling it with hopeless fear

A flicker of light I find

 In moments of solitude

When bitterness overwhelms my heart

Enslaving my grit and fortitude

A   prayer I say makes my loneliness depart

In times of  fame and success galore

When my heart swells with pride

Yet my greedy self yearns for more

‘Stop’ says a voice somewhere deep inside

In times of love and happiness

when my haughty mind begins to ignore

my beautiful friends and loved ones

A nightmare reminds me of the solitude before

You have been in my journey

You have seen me through

You have guided me sternly

Yet I never saw you !

You were the light that I saw

You were the prayer that I said

You were the voice  shouting no

You were the nightmare  in  my bed

You led me to my today

You lead me to my tomorrow

You cleared the thorns in my way

You remove me from sorrow