In love once more…


He was

just another

lonely soul

bereft of love

betrayed in love

till he began to sing

Beware of love

and then one day

he beheld her

as she descended

from the skies

like an angel

and he knew

in that moment ephemeral –

 He had lost his heart once more

Yes, he was in love, all over again !

The wedding day – Gone , but not forgotten ( weekly photo challenge )


This picture was captured on our wedding day , at the moment when my father , placed my hands into the hands of my better half ...A beautiful moment of our lives , captured for eternity... That day is gone , but the memory of it is still alive , very much in our hearts , and relived by us on the day of our marriage anniversary every year since... This may , we completed a decade of togetherness...........
This picture was captured on our wedding day , at the moment when my father , placed my hands into the hands of my better half as a symbol of trust  and acceptance; It also saw the beginning of a new bond of  love and companionship …..A beautiful moment of our lives , captured for eternity…
That day is gone , but the memory of it is still alive, very much in our hearts , and relived by us on the day of our marriage anniversary ,every year since…
On May 21st , we completed a decade of togetherness………..

Here is a poem I had written and dedicated to my partner-in -crime , my husband , on the day we completed a decade of togetherness ….Just thought I will share it with you all now :


I still think of the very first time….
Our eyes settled on one another
Our young hearts ,unsure,whether to align…..
whether to spend our lives together….

But it was all decided at the end of the hour
My mind all made up,about the question at hand
Your talks that were honest and with my expectations,at par….
Ur smile so refreshing and effervescent….

Marriage to u has been for the best
A gift, for which, I can thank god at length
Whenever, there has been a test on life’s behest
U have stood by me,as my pillar of strength

I know, I am not perfect…I have many flaws;
But thank u dear for bearing with those…
Thanx , for letting me ,live by my laws;
And for bringing calm ,in my world of chaos

Today, as a whole DECADE goes by…
I cannot but think of those beautiful years…
Which saw us grow,both u and I,
Having shared ours hopes, joys and tears…..

But what cheers me up is the thought that you..
Still stand by me and hold my hand;
And together we will , sail through…
This thing called life; me as wife and u ,my husband……