Hi all ….


Thanks for visiting my page.. Blogging is new to me but now,  I am gradually getting the hang of it ! In fact I am loving it…because not only is it letting me do what I have always wanted to do ( writing…poems ,  short stories ,  articles , taking pictures and sharing my world  ! ) but it has also ended up bringing me into close contact with fellow bloggers , all from different regions of the world , learning about new cultures ,different ways of thinking , and a million other things !


I believe that when it comes to ‘writing’ , there is no different country or language…rather one unified community of writers ,  all of whom share with each other and the rest of the world , their opinions and ideas….Thus ,this blog for me is a platform to showcase not only my writing skills but also a medium to get to know more people across the world……..And though it has been only few months ,  since I have embarked on this blogging trip….I feel enriched already….


St.Peter's Basilica Vatican...

St.Peter’s Basilica Vatican…

The colosseum ,Rome

The colosseum ,Rome

I am a person who loves travelling to new places ,trying out new cuisines, interacting with different people , and getting inspired . I love heights and everything to do with it ! In fact , one of the topmost things on my bucket list is to do bungee jumping and  sky diving (or at least para gliding ! )


Luckily for me , my partner is equally fond of travelling to new places ! In fact , his job takes him to the far corners of India , which are almost virgin , and unexplored . I love nature and nothing gives me more pleasure than to sit somewhere close to nature and enjoy the bliss..


Though I was very close to being a pessimist before my marriage , my husband’s positive outlook towards life has rubbed on to me and today I can call myself an optimist as well !

Schonbrunn palace ,vienna

Schonbrunn palace ,vienna

I believe that life is too short  to complain and one must make the most of this life . Every moment in life is precious , so I try to cherish and treasure it all , so that I am left with no regrets . We have but one life , so we must try and do everything that gives us joy , even if , it means to be mad…to be crazy !


I am teacher , by profession , though right now I am playing mommy to my 3 and a half year old daughter, and am taking a break from teaching .

But my experience as a teacher was a delightful , in every sense of the word , especially since it earned me the love and trust of so many students , that inspires to improve myself further .

I love writing , poetry , but I enjoy writing short stories  even more… I am moved by some social evils and traumas which I have addressed in a few of my stories , which you can read here , here , here , here  and here

I am not a photographer per se , but I love capturing memories  of family vacations ,travel  etc. on the lens , whenever I can …

 In short , my blog is all that I am …a sheer and clear reflection of me as a person ,  my small little world  , that I enjoy sharing with you all… If you want to partake  in my sojourn called Life , through my words and pictures , you are more than welcome to do so !


So all of you who do look me up here , I really appreciate it and hope that you enjoyed reading at least one of my posts !!! Feel free to leave you feedback on my posts and it would be my pleasure to look you up too… 

It is indeed exciting ,  getting to know new people , new lands ,new cuisines , and enjoy nature’s beauty through amazing captures …so bring them on !

Till then ,

take care and stay happy 


Keep visiting 🙂

92 thoughts on “ABOUT ME :)

  1. Hi Sweety..

    Though I was inclined to scroll down with your words and beautiful photographs, I was feeling very sorry for the little worm screaming to get it outta there.. 😉 Beautiful theme for your blog and you have caught me *hook, line and sinker* 😀

    Now I am going fishing for your other posts.. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Weird Comeback Post !! | Outlines

  3. Pingback: My First #Book and My First Year of #Blogging | PhoTrablogger

  4. Pingback: The Bliss List: July 2015 | The Haute Mommy Handbook

    • Thank you so much …. I hope my blog lives up to your expectations…Will try and look up your’s too whenever I find time. Thanks for the visit …Please keep visiting 🙂


  5. Hello from Türkiye… just wanted to say “thank you”, I appreciate your recent ‘follow’, knowing how many interesting and entertaining blogs there are out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my little corner of the world tries to offer an eclectic smattering of posts, from basic amateur photography, to sharing my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day-to-day happenings here on our fruit farm in southern Turkey. I also throw in a few of my observations on life and lighter-hearted stuff for good measure.

    You are more than welcome to have a look around, stay a while and have a trawl through my collection. There are plenty of categories within the drop-down menus to help in said digging process.

    Hope you have a great day…


    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi! I have been visiting your blog from past few days only . I simply LOVE the way your blog is and the bast pasrt is u too a traveler freek . Your short stories are very good. Your posts are very interesting u play well with words . I am happy that i found you and I just had to convey my appreciation…..U are simpley awsome may god bless u and ur family 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Suyash…I have been nominated for this challenge before by Ruchi as well , and would have loved to participate . But unfortunately ,the place I am in presently has limited accessibility to the net ( mostly weekends , with exceptions at times ! )So I cannot be active on 5 consecutive days to put up a post…
      But I have been thinking about it and perhaps I might come up with a single post with five images , next weekend or so…
      Hope you are doing fine 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sweety,

    I am guessing I know someone with your surname before. Were you raised in Mumbai by any chance?

    Well that’s not the point of this comment. I have nominated you for 2 awards in my blog. Accept it if your blogging rules allow 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Anoop..
      Now that is weird 😛 Well my surname ‘kannoth’ is my hubby’s surname..not my maiden name…So even if you had known someone by that name before , it wasn’t me 😛 The weird part is a portion of my childhood ‘was’ spent in Bombay ,as I still refer to it as…but that was only till I was about four years of age…after which I was brought up in Delhi…. 😀 So don’t think we met when I was a kid 😉 So are brought up in Bombay…?

      As for the awards , thank you so much for considering my blog deserving enough ..Will definitely check up your post 🙂


  8. Pingback: Flash Fiction Chain #5 | PhoTrablogger

  9. Pingback: Premio Dardos! | Come Travel Along

    • Hey Wanda…thank you so much for this sweet gesture…and as you have already seen , I have been awarded this already , but would love to accept it as a token of appreciation for my work…. Thank you 🙂


  10. Pingback: The 100th Post! | PhoTrablogger

    • Thank you so much for this honour and appreciation . It is indeed very humbling to have you nominate me for this award and it pleases me to think that I inspired you in my own small way… I also would like to reciprocate this feeling as yours has bee a blog that has always inspired me to write better , yet keep it simple 🙂 I shall come up with a post for this very soon !


    • Thank you so much for your kind words… My blog is all about who I am , and the things I love ( and sometimes, things I dislike ! ) and I am glad you enjoyed at least some of my posts…Wish you and your family many more great times ahead 🙂 And…thanks for your wishes too…


    • Hey Jen…what a pleasant surprise to find you here…and thanks for your motivating words…I did see your page on FB but didn’t know you were into blogging…Will check out your blog soon…all the best :D..


  11. Pingback: One Month of Blogging : Orange is the new favourite | PhoTrablogger

  12. Pingback: One Month of Blogging : Orange is the new favourite | PhoTrablogger

  13. Hi! I have been visiting your blog from the beginning of August. Even at that time as a new blogger, you had found your voice and was a prolific writer. I simply LOVE the way your blog has evolved. From adding and changing your profile pics (you look awesome in the present one), to your categories, to the page layout, to managing and playing around with widgets, exploring post formats, adding photographs… you are now a veteran. Your short stories are very good. Your posts are very interesting. I am glad to have found you and I just had to convey my appreciation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • hi sona ( can I call you that ..? )
      Thanks a lot for your appreciation…( though I am not quite sure , if I deserve all of it !! ) Trust me ,it means a lot…..Especially when one is new at something , any kind of genuine feedback is like a life line !!! So thanks for making my day….I am flattered esp by the fact that you actually seem to have been witness to every minor ( or major ! ) change ,my blog has been through to reach its present state ( i can’t promise you ,that this is the final stage either 😉 ), while , it also makes me a little conscious , that every little experiment I am doing is being watched by someone 🙂
      Thanks..you write so well and I know I don’t need to tell that , though in my process of establishing myself I haven’t been able to find enough time to go through all your posts…but will do so soon…:)


    • Hiii Wanda…yeah you can call me sweety..:) You are welcome..i enjoyed reading your blog and look FWD to reading more posts from you…would love to have you look around here and leave your feedback too…happy blogging 🙂


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