Just a lot of memories of a good life and health……. ( poetry )

Daily Post Prompt

The year is 2214, and your computer’s dusty hard drive has just resurfaced at an antique store. Write a note to the curious buyer explaining what he or she will find there.


This isn’t a mere hard disk, you see before you..

It is ‘my heart’ opened up to examine ;

It contains , my passionate writings – a few ..

And details of  all my  monthly planning.

Menus for parties , I hosted at home

And a few ‘exotic’ recipes too ;

Lists of things , I planned to own ..

A checklist , of things I needed to do .

My computer was akin to my ‘Personal Diary’

A locker for  all safe keeping too…

For, in the depths of these folders ,many ,

are tucked in ‘Infinite’ memories , to view !

Beautiful images , that speak a thousand words ;

captured for life , through the camera lens..

In all corners of the disc abound …

precious memories of my  family and friends.

So if you plan on buying this thing…. 

Be prepared to receive my ‘hard earned’ wealth ;

Not  in money , gold , or  bling …

Just a lot of memories of a good life and health.

THE ‘ALCHEMY’ OF TRUE LOVE ! ( Weekly Writing Challenge ) (POETRY )


In today’s writing challenge, you’ll choose a scenario (or invent your own) and write a poem, a short story, a vignette, a scene, or flash fiction based on Nighthawks by Edward Hopper.

Nighthawks is a 1942 oil on canvas painting by Edward Hopper that portrays people in a downtown diner late at night.
It is Hopper’s most famous work[1] and is one of the most recognizable paintings in American art.
Nighthawks by Edward Hopper, 1942. Public Domain

I have chosen to write a poetry based on the following scenario :

The love triangle: The woman in red is dating the man she’s seated next to, but she’s secretly in love with the man with his back to us. Tell us a story from her perspective



My red dress shimmers in the moonlight ;

Exuding passion and ‘lost’ romance ,

He  holds my hand and , asks me for a dance

But my eyes are numb, transfixed , to my far  right…

He is sitting there , as  still as a stone ,

His , stolid  face, staring into the depths of the chalice ,

A drop of tear , glistens from the corner of his eyes

My heart goes out to him , I can hear it moan…

I rise up , my dress , ruffling  in vain ,

Like like a wind-up toy , at the hands of its master ;

I dance , with a sense of impending disaster…

till… I can no longer bear the burden of this pain…

My face now moist with the tears flowing down

I look over his shoulder , to the face of my man ,

His eyes meet mine , for a very brief span ;

And then he pulled away , his face in a frown…

The moment of ‘Alchemy’ ,was soon to appear..

I realized , the ‘magic  wand’ ,was in my own hands

And not.. in any far away, fairy lands…

I choose my destiny , I choose without fear…I choose to be with you , oh my dear………

And so I  hastened  , to be by  his side 

He looked up at me , his face elated….

I had  chosen my ‘True love’ ,  albeit , belated ! 

and now , he bent  low , to kiss his ‘Bride’ ………..

The ORANGE hue of a FLAME

Daily Post Prompt

Imagine we lived in a world that’s all of a sudden devoid of color, but where you’re given the option to have just one object keep its original hue. Which object (and which color) would that be?

If the world ,was to become color – less

But one object I could keep ;

that would retain its original zest…

and hue , amidst  the tone -less heap

I would choose to have the ‘Flame’

with its  vibrant ‘orange’ tint…

The new darkness , it shall tame ;

with its sharp , fearless glint !

The flame , shall reveal ‘Exuberance’…

A new world filled with ‘Hope’…

An end to the black and white existence ..

For a new beginning , there would be scope !

Live life ,while you can…..


Death is inevitable !

This fact I have known..

This ‘life’ is not  ‘stable’

-the one we call ‘our own‘….

Every second is a ‘breath’  lost 

every year – a candle blown

Mortality’ is the dreaded cost 

we pay , to be as ‘humans’ born..

The day I saw my grandpa’s corpse ..

lying still before my  eyes ;

That day this truth, before me dawned –

‘Every human being dies’

Some die young , some die old 

A few , have time enough to plan 

Some unlucky ones are never told

Others have just life ‘began’

So here is my advice to all …

‘Live life while you can’ 

Express your feelings, make  that call……

Help someone needy , and be a good man !


We live but once…

So let’s not hide, our ‘madness’ away;

let us sing like crazy and dance…

 and chase all our sadness away

I am, what you see… 

as wild as can be;

I laugh aloud , and loudly scream;

when something makes me happy !

When my eyes behold …

a thing of artistic beauty 

I cannot then , my tongue hold..

from praising it  aplenty !

A place of natural  splendor ….

of blue rivers and green hills ;

I gape in awe of God’s grandeur..

With childish wonder my heart fills !

I express all this appreciation ;

for works of art and nature’s bounty..

by penning down  my poetic narrations

ever so loudly…ever so proudly….





The crepuscular rays give way….

to the darkness that befalls…

the orb of the night ,is here to stay

till the brilliant sun comes to call….

The sky , now black , bespeckled 

with stars of silvery gleam

The world a silent spectator

to this nature’s hide and seek………

Oh…night ! you are  teeming with secrets ;

 Witness to many a  rendezvous ,clandestine..

you have seen it all……yet stood speechless ;

To stay tight-lipped you are destined…


Yet there is beauty in your solitude ;

you have been a symbol of romance…

displaying immense fortitude ;

embracing nature , in a passionate dance………

The night is no enemy of the light..

as it may, to us seem;

Because to know , how beautiful is ‘bright’ …

in the ‘night’,  we need to see……….

FRIENDOMETER : I wish there was one ! ( DAILY POST PROMPT )


If you had to come up with one question, the answer to which would determine whether or not you could be friends with a person you’ve just met, what would it be? What would the right answer be?

If I want to know you well …

to see if we would  ,together gel ;

I would instantly ask  you to ;

 ‘describe’ yourself in words , true .

That, I think ,will help me learn…

more about you ,and perhaps have fun !

But if  you sound ,to me as fake..

this liaison , I shall without ado ,break !

And if your description ,matches my taste ;

then I shall pledge my friendship , in haste…

For, If I think you are modest and kind..;

I’d know ,a better friend I would never find….

I expect a friend to be down to earth ;

yet , one who has a sense of self -worth ;

A friend who is honest  and faithful ,to the core ;

and from whom I can learn even ,more ……….

Cee’s black and white challenge / candid photography -‘FOREVER THIS WAY’


cees black and white photo challenge

IMG_2316 - Copy

Dad…please hold my hand ;

lest I stray away ;

Besides me , you must stand…

forever , this way…….

Guard me well , my father

and walk with me today ;

I will stay your little toddler ..,

forever this way……….

Laugh with me , dear dad

keep all dangers at bay ;

cheer me up ,if I am sad…,

forever this way………………

Lets be funny together , my father 

lets make it a good day ;

Please pamper your dear daughter ,

forever this way…………….

Lets , make many ,sweet memories dad ,

to think of , when you are away…..;

Teach me things that will make me glad ,

forever this way……………..

The mother -child bond – The master of all humanity ! ( weekly photo challenge-DAILY POST )


HUMANITY’ is nothing…

but you and me ;

Like a desert never ending …

or a vast open sea.

The mother-child bond is the ‘key’ ,

Their love – pure and ETERNAL ;

The ‘MASTER’ of all humanity….

this ever so powerful bond – MATERNAL !

The fate of the whole humanity ;

rests on this one relation …

How the mother ‘moulds’ her baby….

can decide the ‘destiny’ of an entire ‘nation’ !


Her selfless affection and care…

will shape ‘his’ (her) personality…;

This love that they share….

has the power to save humanity !

Only a ‘great’ mother ..

can create a ‘great’ human being ;

Uninhibited love for each other …

shall be her very first teaching...


So I bow low to all the mothers…

of the country and the world ;

who have produced some great leaders…

whose ‘great’ deeds,will be ,forever told .




If someone was to grant me ;

a wish that  I  would make..

A choice to be the Royalty ;

The King  himself or his brother (namesake)


I would wish to be the sibling

who would be off -the-hook

Who could enjoy all the pampering

without getting a second look


I wouldn’t have to bother;

About matters of the state

I would pity my elder brother

who was destined, by his fate 


I would also have the  money ;

and enjoy the luxuries too..

I could laugh at things that were funny;

And  behave like one of you …


I wouldn’t be held responsible ;

for poverty or war ;

or resolve issues over the table ;

And meet people ,from near or far


I may not be in limelight

all the twenty four hours ;

People may not swoon at my sight ..

I may not be the favorite with the ‘stars’


But I will still be a prince ..

Albeit , without a crown ;

I would still be cherished among my kins..

And the people of my town .