Daily Prompt: Tiny

via Daily Prompt: Tiny


A  tiny  crevice is all  you need

to let in the glistening sun beams

A  tiny spark is all  you need

to grow wings and  follow your dreams......



The words pierced the heart

like  the cold edge of a dagger

numbing at first

But unbearable in the next

And as the depth of their harshness

Begin to sink in

Slowly but painfully

No effort could submerge the agony

it caused, when the heart erupted

like a monstrous fire breathing volcano

While the eyes released the flood of tears

to diffuse the fire it fumed..




In love once more…


He was

just another

lonely soul

bereft of love

betrayed in love

till he began to sing

Beware of love

and then one day

he beheld her

as she descended

from the skies

like an angel

and he knew

in that moment ephemeral –

 He had lost his heart once more

Yes, he was in love, all over again !

Dreams are like butterflies


Dreams are like butterflies

Enticing yet elusive

Dazzling yet distant

Vibrant yet vicious

And just when they

seem so close at hand

just a touch way

They drop out of sight


till some other day

They flutter by us and 


glide  into submission

Only this time they belong to us !

The unspoken bond – Love


I may not always tell

but decipher the language of my silence

I may not always cry

but sense the anguish of my soul

I may not always ask

but read the questions in my mind

I may not always smile

but sense the cheer in my voice

I may not always sing

but hear the song in my heart

I may not always express

but discern the love in my eyes

Old & Broken : Weekly Photo Challenge – Broken

Weekly Photo Challenge- Broken


My walls have given away

My roof no longer stands

But don’t leave me here and stray

 to other distant  lands

I did once protect you

from the burning sun and rain

I took the biting cold too

to shield you from all pain

I am old and broken now

but only in my frame

If you look inside, you will see how

My love still stays the same

( P.S: Old age is inevitable . But today we live in a world where anything old is better done away with. Even old parents – Parents who have lived their entire lives shielding you from all troubles so that you are able to lead cushy,comfortable lives. But when they grow old and  are unable to continue with their service, they are considered no different from an old house or piece of furniture and got rid off by dumping them in the streets …..)

A Rendezvous with solitude


Waves of quiet content

Wash through my soul

Nursing the wounds,

Numbing the pain

My emotions conversing

With my own secret yearnings

In silent harmony;

Listening to the rhythm

of my pounding heart

I try to interpret

the language it speaks

A rendezvous so rare !

Today I met myself

through the silent Solitude