Love …….. (poetry)


When I see you smile…

my lips curve in unison

as if to join yours

in a delicate romance

My eyes speak to yours

as if asking for a dance

When your cheeks change color

and turn a crimson hue

I blush too

And then the warmth

that exudes from you

fills up my being

till I ask myself

Is this  Love ?

or just my reflection in the mirror……. ?

The last breath ( poetry )

I see it limp and lifeless..

sprawled across the bed…

I stand and stare , all helpless

But it is long gone , long dead…

I wait for it to stir , to give me a sign.

Perhaps I can help , perhaps go back in time

I pray hard , I pray fast , to the Almighty benign

Hoping it’s only a nightmare , I wait for my clock to chime…

I brush away my tears , my heart still pounding hard ,

And once again , I turn my eyes to the body on the bed…

The truth now  dawns on me – the Earth is already  marred ;

I  grieve , I mourn , as I finally accept  – Humanity is now dead... !

  • [ p.s : I wrote this poem to express my utter shock and grief at the  yesterday’s incident in my neighboring nation where so many innocent children were attacked and killed mercilessly , leaving behind so many families mourning the loss of their beloved babies…. I see this heinous act as the death of humanity….. ]

Breaking free !

She is strong in her weaknesses

determined in her fickleness ,

loud in her silence 

Smiling in her agony

She is in chains , 

yet her thoughts race far ….

like a bird set free 

waiting to break away

from the shackles that bind her

and fly away into the vast open sky……

to breath the air of ‘true freedom’

And  feel  ‘Alive again !’



Today, write a post about the topic of your choice — using only one-syllable words.

 The following is my effort at a Tanka , which follows a pattern of 5 -7 -5- 7- 7 syllables.  As demanded by the daily post prompt , I have tried to restrict my word usage to mono syllables… Please forgive  me for any mistakes 🙂


Hope cuts through all fears 

like  spear that stabs a foe  and

brings in  a new  world

of change in thoughts , words and deeds

that leads to a   blith , blessed  life .

The wedding day – Gone , but not forgotten ( weekly photo challenge )


This picture was captured on our wedding day , at the moment when my father , placed my hands into the hands of my better half ...A beautiful moment of our lives , captured for eternity... That day is gone , but the memory of it is still alive , very much in our hearts , and relived by us on the day of our marriage anniversary every year since... This may , we completed a decade of togetherness...........
This picture was captured on our wedding day , at the moment when my father , placed my hands into the hands of my better half as a symbol of trust  and acceptance; It also saw the beginning of a new bond of  love and companionship …..A beautiful moment of our lives , captured for eternity…
That day is gone , but the memory of it is still alive, very much in our hearts , and relived by us on the day of our marriage anniversary ,every year since…
On May 21st , we completed a decade of togetherness………..

Here is a poem I had written and dedicated to my partner-in -crime , my husband , on the day we completed a decade of togetherness ….Just thought I will share it with you all now :


I still think of the very first time….
Our eyes settled on one another
Our young hearts ,unsure,whether to align…..
whether to spend our lives together….

But it was all decided at the end of the hour
My mind all made up,about the question at hand
Your talks that were honest and with my expectations,at par….
Ur smile so refreshing and effervescent….

Marriage to u has been for the best
A gift, for which, I can thank god at length
Whenever, there has been a test on life’s behest
U have stood by me,as my pillar of strength

I know, I am not perfect…I have many flaws;
But thank u dear for bearing with those…
Thanx , for letting me ,live by my laws;
And for bringing calm ,in my world of chaos

Today, as a whole DECADE goes by…
I cannot but think of those beautiful years…
Which saw us grow,both u and I,
Having shared ours hopes, joys and tears…..

But what cheers me up is the thought that you..
Still stand by me and hold my hand;
And together we will , sail through…
This thing called life; me as wife and u ,my husband……

My lifeline – my family

Daily post prompt

You were caught in an avalanche. To be rescued, you need to make it through the night. What thought(s) would give you the strength to go through such a scary, dangerous situation?

anni fb 5

The night is ominous…dark and still

The snow , makes me cold ,makes me quiver ;

The crisp , frosty wind  , bites into my ‘will’

to flee the  ruthless , dark hours , hither..

My feet are numb , my face pale;

But I trudge , I plod , I scamper on…

My heart beat slows ,my lungs about to fail ;

Till I recall the day my daughter was born..

A sudden gush of oxygen fills my veins ;

and my heart begins to throb again…

I will live through this , ignoring my pains ;

I shall not  allow my vigor to drain.

I need to get back to my cozy home ;

to see them smile – my spouse and daughter ,

 Now, come what may , wind or storm..

No enemy can  , my hopes deter !

My eyes now gleam ,with  happy tears ,

my heart overflowing with  love and warmth ;

Till I finally overcome my unknown fears…

And am safely back – to my home , my hearth !

THE ‘SALAD DAYS’ – The Times Of Yore

The Daily Post Prompt

School time with friends , 

– The springtime of life , the ‘salad days’ !  ;

Where fun and joy was in abundance

And days , never ceased to amaze….

When stress and strain , were miles away..

There was not a reason to complain ;

Life was mostly merry and gay…

Oblivious to  any pain !

When ,   exams , were the greatest fears ;

Completing  home work – the biggest goal ;

When a fashion trend  , was  set by  peers  

and friends played a major role !

Where  all  drama , was limited to the stage ,

and all our wishes , without ado , fulfilled ;

Where days passed by , at the turn of a page ;

and all our expenses , to our parents ,billed !

When picnics and holidays , made us wild ..

with excitement and elation  ;

The long , fun filled journeys , beguiled ..

 us , on every such   jolly occasion !

Those , my dear ,were the ‘good old days’

the days of carefree happiness ;

The times of ‘yore’ , the golden days –

The fun times ,with our school friends

TO OUR DAUGHTER.. (The Greatest Achievement of our lives )


This picture depicts our moment of greatest achievement…the moment we were born as Parents to our little girl….!


Here is a poem , I wrote for my darling daughter , when she was two years old.. She will complete four years in  the month of February… :

TO  OUR  DAUGHTER.. (The Greatest Achievement of our lives )

 A few years we waited for you ,

a part of all our prayers ;

We wanted a family member new –

a ‘little’ somebody , our joys to share !

Life had been beautiful before…

We spent cheerful times together .

But you brought in happiness more..

like the warm ‘sun’ , in a cold weather !

Your loud cries ,and hungry mouth 

Kept me awake throughout the night ;

But , all the stress and fatigue , no doubt ..

vanished at your ‘beautiful’ sight !

My next wait was over when , 

you turned around , for the first time..

My pride and anxiety have since then ..

only increased from time to time !

When you took , your first few fumbling steps ,

in my heart ,far in the depths …

There was a constant, lingering fear –

‘My baby was on her own from here !’

Today as you learn to speak ,

and run around from tree to tree ;

I feel proud of you my little doll ..

our most precious asset , of all !

Tomorrow is unseen ,untold ..

But I pray to you , oh Lord !

Be there to guide my little angel ..

and protect her from every danger !

For , in her body..

beats my heart ;

and of me…

she is a ‘valuable’ part !

To check out my first entry for the weekly photo challenge , ‘ACHIEVEMENT’ ,  please click  HERE .

THE LIFE OF PIE (NOT PII ) – Weekly writing challenge (pie)

An apple pie baked  by me ...

An apple pie baked by me …


  • Write a post about pie with the intention of evoking all five senses. Pay particular attention to taste and smell, two senses that are often underrepresented in writing.

I am an enchantress , I tempt , I entice.. 

I am oh- so -crispy and crumbly outside ,

My scent – so blissful , oh so divine !

I am  juicy yet scrumptious , on the inside

All floury and fluffy , that’s what I am .

Laced with butter , I have a golden sheen ;

drizzled with honey or a sweet fruit jam..

You can make me sweet or savory.

Beneath my luscious , and luxuriant crust ..

is a layer of gooey  ,fruits and berries ;

For those with a slight non-vegetarian taste

there is a stuffing of spiced meat , to make merry !

When you bite into my warm , flaky crust ;

As  I gradually melt, inside your  insatiable mouth..

A volcano of  myriad flavors , suddenly bursts..

HEAVENLY – without any doubt !!


The Childish Awe (weekly photo challenge – minimalist 1 )



I look with awe , at this world

filled with wonder, for everything

This universe is my playground…

though I am, but a fledgling !

I find such joy in the  colorful flowers …

and the pretty, hovering butterflies ;

I love to see the wiggly , green caterpillars

and the birds , soaring up in the clear ,blue skies….

I wish , adults could see this wonderful  world

with my curious , childish eyes

And just like me , they are able to see , the nature unfold …

everyday  – a new  , beaming surprise !

You can check out my second entry for the Weekly  photo challenge , Minimalist ,  HERE .