The inertia..

A vacuum fills my heart sometimes

A vague sense of emptiness

Expanding ,and contracting at times

– a state of complete idleness

I feel , as if the world as a whole 

has come to a pause suddenly 

not a leaf rustles , not a breeze blows

as I try to picture my destiny

And then as I decide to pen down

my thoughts on to a paper

The mind  stirs once more , with a life of its own

and the inertia turns to vapor

For , as soon as the tip of my pen

starts flowing down to write

fine ideas take shape again

and I begin to see my inner light

SHADOWS (Weekly Photo Challenge -shadowed )


On a bright sunny day

Through the winding paths  , unknown

as I trudge and  tramp

 I am not alone

In a dark , narrow  alleyway

as I saunter on  my own

under the glimmer of the street lamp

I am not alone

For , in all these lonely journeys

Dark shadows follow me around

Some my own , calm and consoling

Some whose owners cannot be found 

and some inanimate , yet telling

a thousand wordless stories…………

A clandestine affair ….

This picture has been shot by my better half on 1600mm Telephoto lens , which was of course borrowed 😀

The stars sneer in envy ,

at the passionate affair

between the Silver Orb

and the Celestial Sphere , 

entangled together

in a sensual embrace

till the first blush of dawn……..

My recipe of life

A truckload of smiles

to make my day bright

and a few shared giggles

to add an extra spice ;

Just a handful of humor

and jest in our talks ;

A  heart full of love 

 and long silent walks ..

These are the ingredients

that I would require

to churn out a happy 

and blissful  life ;

Season it well

with warm hugs and cuddles

And see it transform even hell

into heaven !!!

The magician that is God (poetry)

The 'light' is within each one of us.........
The ‘light’ is within each one of us……

God must be a magician

who with a wave of a wand

fulfilled his dearest mission

of creating this land 

God must be an artist

who with his  brush strokes

painted this world with stardust

and fueled it with hopes

God must be a sculptor

who with his nimble fingers

shaped this bountiful nature

where his scent , still lingers

God must be a playwright

who used his creative streak

‘The script of our lives’ – to write 

and our performances , critique

God must be a puppeteer

pulling the strands of our existence

guiding our actions , without fear ;

mindful of our dependence

God is present amid us all ,

At moments of victory or those when we fall

Look carefully and you shall find

He lurks within you ,   somewhere deep inside

If my words had wings…….

If words had wings

I would send mine 

flying into the sky

crossing the

vast blue oceans ,

soaring past  

the mighty mountains ,

into the wilderness unknown,

and the civilizations galore..

Flapping , gliding

and drifting

into those hapless places

that have been

shrouded in  darkness

 since time immemorial –

 A world of nescience ;

Incognizant to

the power of Knowledge

and the miracles

it can perform

And there my words

shall hover 

for sometime

till they bring about 

a new age , a new dawn .

A lone flower (poetry)


I am but

lone flower

standing rooted to

the ground , infusing this world

with my earthy , floral scent

while my heart aches to soar 

up to the wild blue , yonder

like the birds , I see , 

flapping their wings

 and gliding above  me ,

exploring the world

uninhibited , carefree